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To provide for a more exact evaluation of a student’s progress, graduate programs retain an A, B, C grading system in 5000-level courses. Grades of D do not earn graduate credit. In 4000-level courses students must achieve A or B grades to earn graduate credit; grades of B- or less do not earn graduate credit. To be considered a “student in good standing” a graduate student must maintain a grade point average of 3.0.

The following symbols are used to evaluate coursework:


Superior graduate-level work. 4 quality points per credit hour.

A -

Excellent graduate-level work. 3.7 quality points per credit hour.


Audit. (Awarded only if student attends class regularly throughout the semester.)


Auditor who fails to fulfill attendance requirements.

B +

Good graduate-level work. 3.3 quality points per credit hour.


Above average graduate-level work. 3 quality points per credit hour.

B -

Average graduate-level work. 2.7 quality points per credit hour. (Acceptable in 500-level courses only.)

C +

Fair graduate-level work. 2.3 quality points per credit hour. (Acceptable in 500-level courses only.)


Poor graduate-level work. 2 quality points per credit hour. (Acceptable in 500-level courses only.)


Credit. (For use with departmental approval only. This is the normal grade required for satisfactory completion of the master’s thesis, certain workshops, and student teaching.)


Not acceptable for graduate credit.


Failure. (If the course is required, whether the course is graded for credit or on a pass/fail basis, it must be repeated. No credit hours, no quality points earned.)


Incomplete. Work incomplete.


Course in progress. 


Withdrawal through proper procedure while passing, or without prejudice to standing.


Withdrawal without following proper procedure.


Satisfactory for use with noncredit courses only.


Excluded Grade.

In Progress Grades

A PR grade (course in progress) is ordinarily reserved for a course in which a student is completing the thesis, essay, or creative project in partial fulfillment of degree requirements. A grade of PR will be changed to a W (withdrawal without prejudice to standing) two years after it is given or at the end of the semester the student reaches the time limit for completion of the degree (the date specified in the acceptance letter), whatever comes first. Once the PR is changed to W, the W cannot be changed to a standard grade. If a student seeks to complete a course for which the PR has turned to a W, the student will be required to retake the course or its equivalent. Tuition rates at the time the course is retaken will apply. Policies and procedures regarding Readmission and Time Limits for Completion of Degree also apply.