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Degree Programs

All degree programs require a minimum of 30 hours of credit. The requirements of some programs exceed this minimum. Details of credit hours and additional requirements appear in the descriptions of each Program.

For the Master of Education degree, the course program varies depending on the particular program being pursued. Details on the various programs are provided in the Education and Counseling sections of this Bulletin.

For the Master of Arts in Nonprofit Administration degree, the program consists of a minimum of 36 hours in specified graduate courses. Both the Master of Business Administration and the Master of Science in Innovation and Entrepreneurship consist of a minimum of 30 credit hours, with a 33-credit hour M.B.A. also offered.

For the degrees of Master of Arts and Master of Science, some programs offer two plans of graduate work, each requiring the advisor’s approval.

Plan A requires that, in addition to the course program, the student must complete a satisfactory research thesis. Six credit hours are awarded for the thesis upon its approval and acceptance by the appropriate dean.

Plan B requires a minimum of 30 hours of coursework (see specific program requirements) and a research essay or creative project demonstrating scholarly achievement, which must be approved by the department and accepted by the appropriate dean.

Courses numbered 5000 and above are open only to graduate students or undergraduates with special permission from the Graduate School.

Courses numbered 4000-4999 are open to advanced undergraduates and graduate students. Not all 4000-level courses carry graduate credit. Graduate credit will be given for successful completion of 4000-level courses that are part of an approved graduate program. Successful completion of a 4000-level course requires an A or B grade. A grade of B- or lower does not earn graduate credit.

In every graduate program, at least half of the courses must be selected from among the 5000-level courses. Some program requirements exceed this minimum.

For the degrees Master of Business Administration and Master of Education, special requirements appear in the descriptions of these programs.